“The agricultural sector in East Africa is undergoing a significant transformation with the introduction of this Digital Connectors initiative. This project is


The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) was initially formed as the Sub-Saharan African Network on Agricultural Advisory Services (SSANAAS). The SSANAAS was created at the 1st Regional Networking Symposium on Innovations in AAS, held in Kampala, Uganda 11-14 October 2004. The initial member countries were Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.
A second Symposium was held from 24-27 September 2006 in Kampala. It brought together the additional African countries of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Zambia; this brought the total of participating member African countries to fourteen.

To promote professionalization and participatory lesson learning, strengthen capacities, enhance visibility and influence, facilitate and enhance effective and continuous knowledge generation and information exchange, and add value to initiatives in agricultural extension and advisory services through advocacy, skilling, sharing of experiences and information, and increased professional interaction.
Agricultural extension and advisory services that effectively and efficiently contribute to sustained productivity, profitability and inclusive growth of agriculture for food, nutrition and income security, job and wealth creation in Africa.
Enhanced utilization of improved knowledge and innovations by agricultural value chain actors for improving productivity oriented towards their individual and national development objectives.
Implement the Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services aspects of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)- An Africa-Owned and Africa-led initiative through which interventions to transform agriculture are coordinated.
The African Union has led the development of a new 10-year CAADP Strategy and Action Plan: 2026-2035
“It is an honor and privilege to welcome you all to this important Summit. I would like to begin by extending my
The government of Nigeria has embraced the digitalization of extension models as an enabler of agricultural extension landscapes. This has been through
Malawi government is committed to continue to priotize facilitation of its agriculture extension system because it is the backbone of agriculture as
‘We cannot attain our goal of the “Africa we want” and the agenda 2063, if agriculture extension is still looked at as
At the sidelines of the African food systems summit, Africa’s key partners in the development of agriculture have met to discuss the
The new era of extension requires a multifaceted approach to achieve maximum deliverables, this was statement made by Dr Mohammed Silim Nahdy,
Addis Ababa Ethiopia: On 8th July 2024, the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) renewed its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with
Abuja-Nigeria: The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Mohammad Abubakar has called for all African countries to embrace climate smart agriculture
Accra-Ghana: The African forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) on the 16th September signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The European Alliance
Nairobi Kenya: The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) with support from the European Commission held an Internal review, planning and
Nairobi Kenya: The Training of Trainers integrating the Tropical Agricultural Platform Framework (TAP) into African Research and Extension Organizations was held on
NAIROBI, KENYA: on 1st February, The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), together with The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in
Download the declaration here Declaration in English Déclaration en Français Arabic / إعلان The 5th Africa Wide Agricultural Extension week 2021 is
Digitalisation of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Service in Africa is a new trend supported by the AFAAS since the year 2020. The
Rapid advances in global knowledge economy are increasing the complexity of the challenge on least skilled workforce in Africa because the workforce
Different extension approaches have been developed and tested. Among these approaches include farmer field schools (FFS) and Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Production
Youth present an opportunity toward addressing the extension and advisory services capacity gap. On the one hand, youth should be targeted as
Several countries in Africa have adopted pluralistic extension service delivery. Involvement of private advisory service providers in part addressed the dwindling public
There is growing evidence on how digital disruptions could transform agriculture service provision including extension. Digitally-enabled advisory services could significantly change its
East Africa Community of Practice Knowledge Sharing Event Background Agricultural extension and advisory services are critical for agricultural development. They provide mechanisms
The Eastern Africa Field Schools Support Hub has officially been launched in Entebbe, Uganda. The colorful event was held at the Entebbe
The two partners organised a four days training program to strengthen capacities of public extension actors from ministries of agriculture and public
Münster, Germany, 21 June, 2017 The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) represented by its Executive Director, Dr Silim Nahdy and
Friday, 2nd June 2017, Dr Nelson Ojijo, the newly appointed Access Agriculture Executive Secretary paid a courtesy visit to AFAAS Secretariat in
On 2nd June 2017, Dr Silim Nadhy, AFAAS Executive Director paid a courtesy call to the Mr. Bernard Rey, Deputy head of
Following the recent appointment of Mr. Aloys Lorkers as head of section for Sustainable Development, the AFAAS team made a courtesy visit
Dr Silim Nahdy, the AFAAS Executive Director received Pr McNamara, the Project Director for the Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services Project (MEAS
On December 10, 2015, Dr. Silim Nahdy, the AFAAS Executive Director and his staff warmly received Dr Yemi, FARA Executive Director at
The African for Agricultural and Advisory Services (AFAAS), had a partnership working visit to the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) in Chatham, UK,
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between AFAAS, Ghana Country Forum and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) during the National
Addis Ababa 13th April 2015 The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the African
In its partnership policy framework, the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the African
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has given a grant to AFAAS as a contribution towards implementation of its (AFAAS) strategic
The project aims to improve food security (increased food self-sufficiency and incomes) of smallholder farmers in SSA through reduction of postharvest losses
AFAAS Secretariat staff and Dr.Tekola Dejene from WB during their session. Conducted by Ms. Brem Nathan and Dr.Tekola Dejene from the World

South Africa has more than three million farmers but only 1989 public agricultural extension officers to keep them connected to government support.
What is the future for Agricultural Advisory Services in Africa? This was the main question during the joint regional workshop organised in
The workshop for the formalization of the West and Central Africa Network of Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (RESCAR-AOC) started today at
South Africa has more than three million farmers but only 1989 public agricultural extension officers to keep them connected to government support.
SARFAAS handover e-meeting was organised on Friday the 24th of April 2020 between the outgoing key board members, Prof. Zwane Elliot (outgoing Chairperson)
The SARFAAS is the regional network of AFAAS in the Southern Africa Region. Its mandate is to coordinate and support the Country
The vision of SARFAAS is to become a Regional Forum that enhances food and nutrition security and development through effective and efficiently