African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services


The “Forum des Services de Conseil Agricole et Rural du Mali” (FOSCAR-Mali) is hosted by Radio Action Impact, formerly called Alliance of Community Radios in Mali. FOSCAR-Mali, the Mali Country Forum acts as the Mali Chapter of the Africa Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) which is an umbrella network organisation for Agricultural Advisory Services (AAS) in Africa. FOSCAR Mali itself is an umbrella organization of agricultural advisory services (AAS) providers, actors and stakeholders in Mali.

FOSCAR Mali, the Mali CF’s overall objectives are as follows:

  • Promote the exchange of information, innovations and human resources by documenting available technologies and other information; disseminating “best practices; promoting partnerships and linkages with other networks, partners, stakeholders, and adding value to ongoing initiatives in AAS.
  • Improve the capacity of AAS partners and members by promoting capacity building; enhancing professional growth of the AAS providers and providing further training for members.
  • Influence policies and programmes related to agricultural advisory services by documenting such policies in Mali and sharing best practices and lessons learned; Improve the quality/quantity of AEAS in Mali; Identify, encourage and support operational research in AEAS by pro-actively identifying issues likely to affect AAS and develop strategies or mobilize capacity to deal with them; Coordinate donor efforts and input in AEAS, and Undertake any other activities geared towards development of AEAS.
Progress/activities done so far:
  • Sensitizing stakeholders about Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services in Mali.
  • National stakeholders’ awareness workshop December 20, 2014
  • Validation of the an Interim National steering committee of 5 members
  • Development of an action plan
  • Participation in the RESCAR AOC Abidjan formalization workshop in February 2015
  • Creation and management of a mail group
  • Development of a draft charter and internal regulations
  • The creation of an analytical study of the agricultural and rural advisory systems in Mali
  • Establishment of a scientific committee
  • Production of a brochure presenting the FOSCAR-Mali
  • Moderation of an electronic conference on youth in agriculture, organized by the AOC RESCAR
  • Information letters were sent to several partners and stakeholders on the creation of FOSCAR-Mali and openness to partnerships and memberships

Contact Persons:

CF Chairman: Moctar Koné, Professeur Université, IPR/IFRA, Email,

Tel : +223 76059155

Focal person: Modibo G Coulibaly Magnambougou, Rue 304 Porte 73, Tel : +223 20201646,

Cel: +223 65 59 34 79, Email:, Skype: modibo.g.coulibaly


CF NameForum des Services de Conseil Agricole et Rural du Mali (FOSCAR-Mali)
Contacts+22376059155 or