African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

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Digital Agriculture turns into a profitable Venture for the youth

Kenya agricultural sector needs the young generation to revitalize and enhance agriculture as an enterprise. To thrive in this sector, we need the innovative energy from the young generation. In Murang’a County which is about 100 KM East of Nairobi, it’s refreshing to encounter a team of youth who are passionate about farming. Constant capital …

Digital Agriculture turns into a profitable Venture for the youth Read More »

East African stakeholders get Knowledge Management Training to Catalyze Improvement in Rural Livelihoods

By Sharon Ibenu (AFAAS), Genevieve Apio (ASARECA), Daniel Peprah (FARA) Kigali-Rwanda: A consortium consisting of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), the Association of Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), and the Eastern Farmers Federation (EAFF) are conducting a five-day training for implementing teams from the National Agricultural Research and Extension …

East African stakeholders get Knowledge Management Training to Catalyze Improvement in Rural Livelihoods Read More »

Dr Aggrey AGUMYA, Executive Director-Designate for FARA

Accra, Ghana, March 3, 2023 The Board of Directors of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, during its 31st Ordinary session held March 1-3 at the Lancaster Hotel Accra, Ghana, performed one of the key statutory functions of the Board in conducting the successful appointment process of the next Executive Director of FARA. The …

Dr Aggrey AGUMYA, Executive Director-Designate for FARA Read More »

AFAAS Launches the 6th Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2023, Minister Calls For African Countries To Embrace Climate Smart Agriculture

Abuja-Nigeria: The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Mohammad Abubakar has called for all African countries to embrace climate smart agriculture if they want to see an Africa where food insecurity, malnutrition, and poverty will be reduced and Farmers livelihoods improved. Dr. Abubakar stated this at the Regional Policy Dialogue on Integration of Climate …

AFAAS Launches the 6th Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2023, Minister Calls For African Countries To Embrace Climate Smart Agriculture Read More »

CAADP-XP4 Consortium Reconnect Research to Extension (R2E)

Nairobi-Kenya: The 3rd Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Biennial Report (BR) stressed that “access to quality advisory services in agricultural production is important in all relevant segments of the food system”. There is a line that most Researchers won’t usually cross between the lab and the dusty field, yet that line makes all the difference in making …

CAADP-XP4 Consortium Reconnect Research to Extension (R2E) Read More »

AFAAS Knowledge Management Champions 2022 Awarded; Determined to Reach the Last Mile

The CAADP-XP4 Consortium through the leadership of Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa(FARA), with funding from the European Union  jointly and successfully  held the Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) Conference 2022 edition  from 14th to 16th September 2022 at Alisa Hotel, in Accra, Ghana. The conference themed Strengthening the African Knowledge Ecosystem for achieving & Sustaining …

AFAAS Knowledge Management Champions 2022 Awarded; Determined to Reach the Last Mile Read More »

Rwanda Agriculture Extension model, a successful case of farmer field school institutionalisation in Eastern Africa

Rwanda is a small country with 26 338 km² and arable land estimated to 48% of its total area (FAO, 2016). Its population is estimated to 12,952,209 people (UN, 2019) and the majority of its rural households derive their income mainly from agricultural activities. As other countries of  Eastern Africa, Rwanda has experienced the use …

Rwanda Agriculture Extension model, a successful case of farmer field school institutionalisation in Eastern Africa Read More »

AFAAS, ASARECA and CCARDESA sign MoU to Work Together

The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS),The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) and the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA),have signed a Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their collaboration on improving Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) in Eastern, Central and …

AFAAS, ASARECA and CCARDESA sign MoU to Work Together Read More »

Can we Innovative and Double Efforts in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) to Transform African Agriculture?

Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) are an indispensable enabler for agriculture led equitable prosperity (economic), stewardship (environment), and wellness (health) through the many and expanding roles AEAS play all over the world. The roles include farmer organization, market linkage, technology and practice promotion, stakeholder network development, while addressing persistent as well as emerging issues …

Can we Innovative and Double Efforts in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) to Transform African Agriculture? Read More »

AFAAS Country Fora, a Delivery Mechanism for CAADP-XP4 Programme

Nairobi Kenya: The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) with support from the European Commission held an Internal review, planning and capacity development training workshop for its staff, CAADP-XP4 key implementing Country Fora and Technical Working Groups. The long week event that kicked off on the 9th, April 2022, at Nairobi Kenya brought together …

AFAAS Country Fora, a Delivery Mechanism for CAADP-XP4 Programme Read More »


Nairobi Kenya: The Training of Trainers integrating the Tropical Agricultural Platform Framework (TAP) into African Research and Extension Organizations was held on 23rd March to 25th March 2022 at Hilton Hotel Nairobi Kenya. The training was organized by FAO’s Research and Extension Unit, together with CAADP XP4 organizations (The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services …


About African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services – AFAAS

African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is a continental platform for mutual learning and innovation among agricultural extension and advisory services providers across Africa. The AFAAS’ goal is to enhance utilization of improved knowledge and innovations for improving productivity oriented towards individual and national development objectives. AFAAS operates through multi-stakeholder country fora that embrace …

About African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services – AFAAS Read More »