African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

Capacity development on the New Extensionist in Ethiopia


After the training of Trainers organized by AFAAS and GFRAS in 2015, ADPLAC had organized, with technical support from AFAAS staff, a training session for its 29 members (24 Male and 5 Females) who came from 9 regions. The training was held from May 26 to June 1, 2016 in Adama district, which is 100 km away from the capital Addis Ababa.

The training highlighted general overview of the concept of AEAS, AFAAS and GFRAS. Also other topics like value chain development, multi-stakeholders facilitation and communication skills, adult learning, stakeholders’ analysis, ADPLAC guidelines, and Monitoring and Evaluation were covered.

At the end of this training, participants had visited the Macaroni value chain development organized by the Sinana Agricultural Research institute.