The success of AFAAS MDTFII project activities in the field depends on the ability of its stakeholders to implement and report accordingly to internal rules and procedures. This was the essence of the regional stakeholders workshop held recently in Kampala.
AFAAS Secretariat convened a stakeholders’ regional workshop in Kampala on 22nd -24th February 2017. The workshop was attended by key AFAAS actors – Board members (led by Mrs Kamau, Board Chair), country fora focal persons, CIKM facilitators, finance persons from the different host institutions, and representatives of regional for a- from twelve countries. The 45 participants were gathered under the theme: Enhancing Efficiency, Effectiveness and Relevance (3ER) of AFAAS Programmes implementation. “Innovating together for impact”.
The first day of the workshop was an occasion for the different country fora (CFs) to share their experiences on the implementation of their activities, the progress made, the challenges encountered and the lessons learnt. On the second day, AFAAS Secretariat staff took advantage of the opportunity to build the capacity of participants on AFAAS procedures on financial management, audit, procurement and AFAAS tools and platforms. The support and clarifications from Edwin Nyamasege Moguche from the World Bank office in Kampala on financial matters were appreciated by focal persons and accountants.
“The training was very efficient for me. Because it allowed me to better understand AFAAS, its operation administrative and financial management procedures. The training on financial reporting was also a major contribution to this workshop. Finally the meeting and exchanges with other fora was very fruitful”, said Nadine Essome Mbanga, accountant from Cameroon.
For Silvia Ntinyari Mburugu, the CIKM facilitator from Kenya: “It was quite important and an eye opener to us as an organisation. I had the opportunity to meet the AFAAS at large in their field of expertise and I was also able to express some of my views and even make suggestions”.
On the last day participants brainstormed on AFAAS new strategy plan 2018-2027. They gave their feedback on the draft strategy thus appreciating that it will meet their expectations in relation to the future of the network. The participation of Mrs Jacqueline Uwamwiza from EU delegation office in Kampala in this exercise was really appreciated by AFAAS management.
Also AFAAS Secretariat staff and all participants got an update on the preparation of the 3rd Extension week to be held from 30th October to 3rd November 2017 in Durban, South Africa. According to Tozamile, AFAAS Board member and member of the local organizing committee, everything is going well. During his presentation he confirmed that the conference will take place at Tsogo Sun Elangeni & Maharani Hotels. Also the government of South Africa through its Ministry of agriculture had committed funds worth $300,000 as financial support to the event.
At the end of the workshop all participants requested AFAAS Secretariat to organize such meetings more often in order to continuously build their capacities in relation to their work.