African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

AFAAS – Terms Of Refenrence for EA Field Schools E-Learning Specialists. / Experts



Proc Ref: AFAAS/FAO/CQS/2020/001O
Approved Procurement Plan 2020
Deadline: 5 October 2020, by 16:00 Hours EA Time

1. General Background

African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) is a Continental body that brings National Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) under one umbrella. The AFAAS’ goal is “Enhanced utilization of improved knowledge and technologies by agricultural value chain actors to catalyze sustainable inclusive agricultural development to feed and create prosperity for Africa”. AFAAS is currently hosting the Eastern Africa Field School Support Hub (FS-Hub). The Hub enables: FS actors to have access to quality information on FS and are actively engaged in peer networking and knowledge sharing; Enhanced levels of institutionalization, in policy and practice of the FS approach in the region. The FS-Hub is rooted in the Field School (FS) approach. The FS approach provides a platform at community level for putting in practice client-driven and participatory advisory services linking technology innovation with indigenous knowledge to enhance food security of vulnerable communities. The last years have seen a rapid expansion of the FS approach (Farmer Field Schools, Pastoralist Field Schools and other adaptations) in the Eastern Africa sub-region accompanied with increasing demand for knowledge management, sharing and quality control. The FSH vision is to see “Farmers and Agro-pastoralists transforming their livelihoods’’. While the mission is to be a leading regional center of excellence for quality FS implementation” in the Eastern Africa Region. AFAAS with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other donors is facilitating FS networking and technical support to FS initiatives in 11 countries, namely; Burundi, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. The envisaged support is targeted on enhancing quality assurance for FS implementation and knowledge sharing on FS good practices and innovations.

The overall objective of the FAO e-learning Academy is to strengthen the human capital, through the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences, in order to build front of competent professionals able to face the global challenges. The FAO e-learning Academy has now reached a global audience of more than 600000 users. The courses are developed with all FAO technical divisions, across all Strategic Programmes (SPs) and cover the main priority areas of FAO: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), climate smart agriculture, sustainable food systems and nutrition, food safety, food losses, child labour, responsible governance to tenure among others, and are fully aligned with the SDG Agenda 2030.The FS Hub in partnership with FAO E-learning Academy is designing e-learning courses for the Farmer Field Schools Approach. These courses will be in three modules specifically targeting: Policy makers, FFS Managers/Trainers, FFS Formulators and eventually practitioners. To this regard, the FS Hub is seeking services of qualified and experienced individuals to support the development of e-learning courses and modules in partnership with FAO Rome and regional offices.

2. Scope of Work

The E-learning content developer consultants shall carry out the following tasks:

I- Review FFS core documents with focus to e- learning materials

II- Support the lead FAO consultant (s) to synthesize the e-course’s learning objectives and content;

III- Analyze and undertake a review of the existing FS training modules’ content (particularly the FS guidance and the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning guide (MEL guide) and provide suggestions for improvement;

IV- Design course contents that reflect the needs, knowledge and existing capacity of the target participants. The course design should incorporate mechanisms for participant feedback and consider ways of monitoring the impact of training;

V- Work closely and provide guidance to a multi-media specialist in designing each module to include visually engaging graphic or other multi-media tools such as audio/visual clips, animation etc. to enhance learning;

VI- Transfer the final modules into a digital platform;

VII- Provide training to FS resource persons on techniques to develop e-learning modules, how to transfer modules into digital platforms and other related topics so that they can perform modification when needed;

VIII- Support the FS Hub to test the modules with representatives of the target participants, and make necessary revisions to improve the modules;

IX- Develop online guidelines and e-manual on how to access and utilize the tools;

X- Participate and facilitate virtual discussions to test and refine the modules;

XI- Support a team of lecturers and trainers in integrating the FS e-learning courses in the mainstream university of Education

XII- Other related tasks as directed by FS Hub and the AFAAS Executive Director.

3. Key Deliverables

a) Inception report – outlining the methodology and timeframe

b) Final draft of e-learning modules based on consultation with relevant units of FAO-RTEA, FAO-SFE and FAO e-learning division at the FAO headquarters and EA FS SH.

c) Protype of e-learning modules, designed for a) Policy makers, b) FFS Managers/Trainers and c) FFS Formulators

d) Inputs for improved content, visualization, structure and other aspects to improve learning objectives. Online Guidelines/e-manual on how to access and utilize the e-learning tools.

e) Final consultancy report on deliverables and recommendation to AFAAS- EA FSH

4. Reporting

The FS-Hub MTs shall report to the AFAAS Executive Director through AFAAS Partnership, Planning and Learning Specialist/ FSH Coordinator

5. Consultant Reporting

The consultant shall report to the AFAAS Executive Director through AFAAS Partnership, Planning and Learning Specialist/ FSH Coordinator and work with FS Hub team (KM Expert and Documentation Consultants) on routine basis. The consultant shall be linked and will work in close collaboration with relevant units of FAO-RTEA, FAO-SFE and FAO e-learning division at the FAO headquarters.

6. Location

The consultant will execute the assignment at his/ her own premises, with constancy communication and where necessary face to face interactions with AFAAS -EA FS SH team.

7. Duration of the Assignment

The assignment shall be undertaken for a period of 20 working days, spread in September- November 2020

8. Work Station

The consultant will work virtually from his/ her location /place of domicile. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, most of the work shall be done online, but with strong engagement with AFAAS -EA SFH.

9. Core Competencies

The consultant is expected to have the following set of competencies and academic qualifications which will form the basis for selection of the consultant:

  1. A university degree in an Agriculture, International Development Studies or development related field with at least 10 years of professional experience in training, field agricultural development, small-holder/agro-pastoral development sector.
  2. Experience and competency in FS Master Trainers and desirably having conducted at least 3 Trainers of Trainers (TOTs) with at least 5 years extensive experience in implementing FS programmes;
  3. Extensive knowledge and direct experience of FS programming and technical backstopping.
  4. Competence in curriculum design and development of learning content
  5. Excellent writing and documentation skills, proven skills on conducting virtual training and information sharing sessions.

10. Applications

The Consultant/ expert to send an updated CV and summary technical and financial proposal (maximum 2 pages, aerial narrow font, single spacing) to AFAAS Executive Director.

Executive Director, AFAAS;
Dr. Silim Nahdy;
P.O. BOX 34624 Kampala;
Tel: +256-312313400;

Copying the AFAAS Procurement Specialist, Paddy Grace Wanzala, and email: Further information may be obtained from EA Field Schools Support Hub Coordinator/ Partnerships, Planning and Learning Specialist; AFAAS email:

11. Closing Date

The deadline for submission of applications with technical proposal will be Monday 5 October 2020, by 2:00 p.m. EA Time. Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted. Qualified Females are encouraged to apply.

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