The Durban Declaration is an appeal to action launched by 700 delegates gathered in Durban, South Africa from 30th October to 3rd November, 2017 to deliberate in the Third AFAAS Africa Agricultural Extension Week 2017 (AAEW 2017) on the theme “Scaling Up Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA): Integrating Youth, Women and the Digital Revolution”. This Declaration points out the importance of attracting youth into agriculture and related fields as well as into Agricultural Extension as a profession in order to create jobs and decent employment for over 100 million African youth. Delegates called upon Public and Private Institutions to provide an enabling environment for women and youth to develop and fully utilize their capacities and innovativeness to enhance climate smart agriculture for equitable development outcomes. Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (AEAS) Community Members are urged to promote the development and up-scaling the use of ICTs to enhance innovative response and actions in climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience.