African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

Watch our recorded Webinar on Postharvest Management

As part of the dissemination of principles, practices and methods for postharvest management through online channels, FANRPAN, AFAAS and AGRIDEA held their first webinar on 24th October 2017. The guiding theme of this was: “effectiveness, profitability, business opportunities, accessibility, acceptability and adoption of technologies and good practices for postharvest loss reduction”. The main objective of the webinar was that principles, practices and methods for postharvest management are known, shared and used by more experts in agriculture and related fields. During this first webinar, participants learnt and exchanged on the background and rationale to reducing postharvest losses and the economic implications.

The project postharvest management in Sub-Saharan Africa (PHM-SSA), financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is implemented by Helvetas, FANRPAN, AFAAS and AGRIDEA, in Benin and Mozambique. It promotes better handling and storing of harvests, and finding solutions that can be scaled out in Africa and beyond.

The recordings of the first webinar conducted on the 24th October 2017, can be accessed through the following link:

The 2nd webinar to be held on the 28th November 2017. Please do register on the following link :